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Racing to Read Storytime
for infants-age 6
2025-04-10 10:00:002025-04-10 11:00:00America/ChicagoRacing to Read StorytimeIntroduce young children to books, reading and language with stories, songs and activities. Parents learn fun ways to build the early literacy skills their children need to learn to read.The Fairbanks Community Hub - 1126 N. Broadway Ave.
Thursday, April 10 10:00am - 11:00am
Add to Calendar2025-04-10 10:00:002025-04-10 11:00:00America/ChicagoRacing to Read StorytimeIntroduce young children to books, reading and language with stories, songs and activities. Parents learn fun ways to build the early literacy skills their children need to learn to read.The Fairbanks Community Hub - 1126 N. Broadway Ave.
Introduce young children to books, reading and language with stories, songs and activities. Parents learn fun ways to build the early literacy skills their children need to learn to read.